A list of all command
Prefixes: "." | "!" | "," | ";" Red = In-game only commands (Prefix is ".") < > = Required, [ ] = optional, / = command/alias
General Commands
deposit/d <number>[k or m]
.d 100k
withdraw/w <number>[k or m]
.w 1m
locker <slot>
.locker 1
money [username]
Displays your or someone else's current Bank Balance
.money Skwll
Redeems 500k (only possible once)
pay <username>
Allows you to transfer money to another user
.pay Skwll 1
rank [username]
Displays your or someone else's current rank and how much it costs to rankup
.rank Skwll
Increases your rank by 1 if you have the required funds
Increases your rank until you run out of money
calcrank <number>
Calculates all the costs for a rankup
.calcrank 15
toprank [amount]
Returns the top ten (or more) users with the highest rank
.toprank 20
topmoney [amount]
Returns the top ten (or more) users with the highest Bank Balance
zstats [username]
Returns the Stats of a specified user or your own
.zstats Skwll
Returns your general account information
Allows you to drop the current weapon you're holding on the ground
tell <user> <message>
Allows you to send a private message to an in-game user
.tell Skwll ok
report <user> <reason>
.report Skwll too cool
dc-add <discord id>
Connect your Discord Account
.dc-add 955094938998173718
Disconnect your Discord Account
๐ฅNew Commands๐ฅ
Increases movement speed depending on the map. (Note: Origins mud and Denizens set back to 1x, cant prevent unless I remove both)
Sets movement speed back to normal value.
Grants every perma perk/persistent upgrade.
Increases double tap fire rate. Type it again to revert to normal value.
Spawns in every spectator
Applies a max ammo powerup to every player cost 150k
Enables/disables night mode.
Increases points gained from melee kills and bullet hits. (130->1000 for melee kills multiplied by rank, 10-> 200 for bullet hits multiplied by rank)
Activates a 2-minute "fire sale" that puts the box in every box spawn location (not available if fire sale powerup isnt on map)
Grants all perks of the map. (Cost: 30k, requires round 15)
Grants a basic Blundergat. (Cost: 250k, requires round 15)
Grants a basic acid gat. (Cost: 250k, requires round 15)
Grants a basic raygun mark 2. (Cost: 100k, requires round 20)
Grants a sliquifier. (Cost: 250k, requires round 15)
Grants a paralyzer. (Cost: 100k, requires round 10)
Grants a dsr50. (Cost: 50k, requires round 10)
Grants a m27. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants an ak47. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a death machine. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a LSAT. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a ksg. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a Skorpion evo. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a mg08. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Grants a scar-h. (Cost: 30k, requires round 5)
Kills all zombies when 3 or less are alive. Also kills all hellhounds when 2 or less are alive, and kills all witches.
Moderation Commands
kick/k <user> <reason>
Kick a player from the Match
.k Skwll dude
tempban/tb <user> <duration> <reason>
Temporarily bans a player from joining ezz servers
.tb Skwll 1d cat
ban/b <user> <reason>
Perma-bans a user
.b Skwll wassup
alts <user>
Returns a list of alternate accounts a user may have ๐ฝ
.alts YouYesYou!
Kills all zombies in a round
Allows a mod to become invulnerable (for moderating ofc)
Allows a mod to spectate (you can't respawn until round ends)
reps [clear]
Returns a list of recent reports or clears them
.reps clear
logs/ <user>
Shows the recent logs of a user
.logs Skwll
find/f <user>
Search a user by username
.f Skwll
Last updated
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